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Between 2016 and 2021, the NSPCC helped to make over 6.6 million children safer from abuse.

But they can't do it alone - they need your help.

Child abuse and neglect happens every day, in every walk of life, all around the UK. At least two children in the average primary school classroom have experienced abuse or neglect. By the time they turn 18, that number rises to at least 4.

The NSPCC have been protecting children for over 100 years. Over 5 years, thanks to the generosity of our supporters, volunteers and staff, we helped to make more than 6.6 million children safer from abuse. They have developed new services to help families, campaigned to change laws, shared information about abuse and how to recognise it, and developed new tools for children, parents and professionals.

What have the NSPCC done so far?

  • Supported children with more than 200, 000 Childline counselling sessions last year
  • By February 2020, reached over 90% of primary schools in the UK with the Speak Out Stay Safe programme
  • 1 in 5 children in the UK have been exposed to domestic abuse – their DART service offers specialist care to support and advise families
  • The NSPCC helped to set up the first Child House service centre in the UK – where children can recover from sexual abuse with all the help they and their families need
  • They have campaigned for social media companies to be regulated to protect young people online – and the government has listened to our demands and advice
  • 1 in 10 children in the UK have experienced neglect – but it’s easy to miss. They have developed a tool – GCP2 – for professionals to help them spot the signs

What’s next?

Together, the NSPCC and Loro Piana can work together to stop child abuse and neglect. Read about the NSPCC's vision and impact goals for the next 10 years and find out how you can help the NSPCC achieve them here.


Every child deserves to feel safe and to be heard. When children and young people have nowhere else to turn, Childline is there to listen.

Childline is available online, on the phone, anytime with-trained volunteer counsellors available to support children and young people who contact the service when they have nowhere else to turn. It provides children and young people with a safe, supportive and confidential space where they can get information and advice, talk and be listened to, and start to get the help they need.

When problems build-up, it can be hard for young people to find solutions or know who they can ask for help. They contact Childline because they don’t feel able to talk to anyone else. They may not want to worry or upset their parents, feel like they are a burden to others, or worry about getting in trouble if they share the things that have been happening to them. They may have been threatened into silence, been told it’s their fault, or feel afraid or ashamed.

£4 could pay for one of our trained volunteer counsellors to answer a child's call for help to Childline.

The NSPCC's interview with Omar - a Childline counsellor - gives a powerful insight into what goes on inside Childline counselling rooms and what it’s like to be a Childline counsellor.

For more information please contact:

NSPCC | Childline | 0800 1111 | Helpline | 0808 800 5000